Friday 28 February 2014

Spring Fashion, The Red Tour and 2014 Catchup!!

It's been ages since I last made a blog post, and Spring is finally arriving! The weather is starting to tone down a bit, which is good because I am missing the sun, but I am upset that my part of the South East didn't get any snow. Maybe next year!
Spring is my favourite season for shopping, because my style is very girly-pastel-floral, and Spring is when all the shops start to stock all my favourite colours, textures and patterns! If you haven't seen the ever-changing Spring '14 collection at Primark, I suggest you do because it is amazing!

Secondly, on the 10th February 2014 I went to the London o2 Arena for Taylor Swift's Red Tour. I screamed so loud, all the adults around were glaring at me, but nevertheless Taylor was perfect, my outfit was perfect, the whole night was perfect! If you are interested, my favourite song she performed was (And can I just say this is an unfair and impossible question) probably either You Belong With Me or Love Story.
And on the merchandise front, lets just say I spent most of my money on light up things, clothing, books and blankets! Comment down below if you saw Taylor perform and if so your favourite song?

Ok. 2014 Catchup. Christmas was great, New Year was great, going back to school was not so great, Frozen was great( And yes I am in the fandom), so overall life has been pretty good. I should be getting my bedroom at my Dad's decorated soon, and I have loads of ideas, so I'll keep you guys updated:) Soon I will experiment with taking pictures of clothes I've bought and uploading them on blog posts, but bear with me I'm just getting to grips with blogger:)

I hope you all had a lovely New Year, and congratulations for making it this far, take it from me!
